Tuesday, April 9, 2024

"Good Night, And Good Luck"

Exploring Good Night, And Good Luck

Photo: IMDb, Movie Poster

During the early 1950s, there was a chilling effect making its way into broadcast journalism. Reporters began refraining from engaging in certain topics out of fear of losing their jobs or being penalized by the government. Good Night, And Good Luck dives into that era and gives viewers an understanding of what it was really like to deal with the government during this time. 

The press is among the most important establishment in this world. When the government steps in and attempts to take control of what is being said, they are disrupting the balance of free speech. The government and press should be separate.   

Photo: Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection
Good Night, And Good Luck showcases the press-government relationship going down a dark path. The best part of this movie is that all events filmed, actually happened in our country. While this was a confusing time, getting to see actual clips of Senator McCarthy's anti-communist witch-hunts added to the urgent issues occurring in the country and the media.

In the movie, the CBS team decides that it is only right to investigate the Radulovich accusations. The theme of media responsibility and telling the truth is major in this film. 

Though they would most likely be under harsh watch, Murrow and the other reporters move forward with covering the Radulovich story and eventually turn attention to McCarthy. Murrow personally invited McCarthy to defend himself against the claims made about his corrupt influence on the show. 

As the movies goes on, Murrow starts to challenge McCarthy's questioning and calls him out for major untruthfulness. Seeing Murrow critiquing McCarthy on national television was a great tribute to how journalists are supposed to act. When there is sketchy actions coming from major influencers in the government, there needs to be people willing to uncover what is happening and reveal it to the public. 
Photo: Senator McCarthy, Credit: A Sharper Focus
It is interesting to see the parallels between this era and what the media is today. During recent current events, journalists have experienced a lot of the same things that the actors portrayed in this movie. Much like when the military men go to Friendly's office in attempt to persuade him to not broadcast the story. 

But CBS went ahead and broadcasted the story anyways. Today, it is common for journalists to be approached and told not to investigate certain topics. When it comes to revealing the truth though, many journalists go ahead and do what is right. 

The government and many citizens do not understand that the truth is the truth. The truth can be good or ugly, but as long as journalists are reporting factual, accurate information, people deserve to hear both sides of the story.

Photo: Murrow, Credit: Little White Lies/Truth & Movies
It is important to recognize how Murrow said during his show that anyone who criticized or called out McCarthy, was labeled a Communist. Anyone who opposed McCarthy would be publicly marked as a Communist party member. 

This same action is seen today. People are getting "cancelled" on social media for speaking their mind and voicing their opinions. From journalists to businessmen, teenagers to top government officials, it does not matter who you are, if you criticize the government or speak an opinion that others don't like, you will be shamed and punished for it. 

There has been a constant chilling effect in the U.S. since the beginning of media. A modern example is the outbreak of the coronavirus in 2020. People were not allowed to voice their opinions against the mask mandate, lockdown, and vaccines because it was seen as criticizing the government and their choices. 

But what good is the media if we are not allowed to question and critique the government? Journalists are meant to investigate, question, and reveal important and necessary information to the public. 

Life would be quite mundane if we were all forced to have the same opinions and views. Looking back on times such as the second red scare during Senator McCarthy's term, is important to ensure that the same mistakes and actions are not repeated. 

As an aspiring journalist, it is nerve-wracking to see many professionals under scrutiny and in fear of losing their jobs for simply doing their job. But I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to use my voice for good, and continue to do the true work of a journalist.    

Good Night, And Good Luck was a fantastic film for young journalists to experience. Those involved in the making of this film went to great measures to ensure historical accuracy while also using real videos from this time. Going into this field, it is important to realize the tainted relationship between the press and the government, but to also know that the press is supposed to be separate from the government.  

"We must not confuse dissent disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it." -Edward R. Murrow   

Photo: Prime Video

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