Wednesday, March 13, 2024

EOTO #1: Reaction Post

The Associated Press 

Journalism, in my opinion and many others would agree, is by far one of the most important fields to exist. The power of information and knowledge, is unmatched. News is important and necessary to keeping the public informed about events around them and how it may affect them. 

This presentation really interested me because certain parts of journalism do go unnoticed sometimes. It is important to recognize certain agencies such as The Associated Press. 

Photo: The New York Times

Leading off of this, organizations such as The Associated Press, have been pivotal in the process of informing the public. The Associated Press was founded in New York City on May 22, 1846 as a non-profit news cooperative. It operates as an unincorporated association and produces news reports that are distributed to its members, major U.S. daily newspapers and radio and television broadcasters. 

There has been a joint effort to spread news since 1846. This is when The Sun, the New York Herald, the New York Courier and Enquirer, The Journal of Commerce and the New York Evening Express, came together to inform the people on new developments in the Mexican-American War. Then in 1848, six papers worked together to finance a telegraphic relay of foreign news brought by ships to Boston. 

Photo: Time Life Pictures
These papers were making journalism history. For some time there was two separate Associated Press'. There was the New York Associated Press and midwestern newspaper publishers created the Western Associated Press. 

These organizations eventually merged in 1900 and the modern AP was formed. It is important to follow the history of the AP because it plays such a pivotal role in the journalism world. Newspapers needed to be a member of the AP and due to these harsh practices, an anti-monopoly suit is filed against the AP. 

The Associated Press landed in New York City because it was best for them to stay on the east coast. This is because they were targeted by the Western AP and eventually by Marshall Field III, the creator of the Chicago Sun. People were upset about the AP's restrictive practices, thus all of the suits and issues against them.  

As years went on and technology began advancing, the AP partnered with Dow Jones & Co., Inc., to create the AP-Dow Jones Economic Report. This was beneficial for spreading business, economic, and financial news across the world. 

Photo: PRsay
The Associated Press was evolving in leaps and bounds. They then went on to create DataStream, a highly efficient news transmission service, and LaserPhoto, which established transmission of the first laser-scanned photos. There were countless other developments during this time, all made to benefit journalists and the efficiency of reporting.  

By far, the most important advancement during this time was The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law. This came out in 1977 and is the rulebook for news writing in the U.S. It lists the rules regarding grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage specifically in news writing.

Following this, many online news platforms were advancing to help consumers have easier access to information and developments. Going into the 21st century, the AP started focusing more on activity from readers. This included blogs, multimedia news services for young subscribers, citizen journalism, and the Mobile News Network for mobile phones. 

Without the Associated Press, news writing and the way we receive news would be drastically different and most likely disorganized. The AP allows for us to gain global news at a faster rate and from various platforms. The developments through the years have set the AP apart as a beneficial journalism tool. 

They demonstrate proper journalism techniques and ensure that all news is uniform and easy to read. Their main goal is to gather and publish news as efficiently and accurately as they can.  

As an aspiring journalist, learning about the Associated Press has been very beneficial. Everything that the AP has done and what they provide, such as the stylebook, will help me in being successful in my future positions. 

Photo: AP News

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